Monday, June 22, 2009

Debbie, We Love you!

June 19 , 2009, We were informed of one of our POMC member, Debbie Vicari that she passed away on about June 18.

The last time I saw her was when she sang at The 25th Rose Hill (Whittier) Memorial on April 26, 2009. She was a awesome person, dedicated to her many causes. Especially, Justice for Homicide Victims and Crime Survivors.

On January 24, 2009, Debbie sang at our Unity and Peace Samantha Salas Scholarship Fundraiser event to celebrate Sammantha's one year anniversary of her passing.

To Debbie, Thank you for being you, you empowered us with your presents and your voice as you always said through your voice you are praying for all who lost their lives to violent crimes.

Put your arms around all our children who lost their lives to violence and hold on to them for us. May you and our children meet us when we too reach eternal life.

Rest in Peace dear friend.
On the week of June 15th, 2009, Unity and Peace presented (3) three additional Scholarship awards to the following students:

Monrovia High School:
Aliah Meza- $300.00
Steffany Rodriguez- $300.00

Duarte High School:
Jessica Severson- $300.00

This year we gave out (7) seven scholarship awards.

Last year we gave out (7) seven scholarship awards.

Congratulation to ALL Students!